5% for Community
As a workers cooperative, Catamount Solar takes its commitment to community enrichment and betterment seriously. Since 2011, the company has donated more than $ 200,000 to community organizations across Vermont.
The company pledges 5% of its annual profits to local causes and/or organizations, usually working in one of the following categories:
- Support for basic human needs (food, housing, education)
- Arts and Culture
- Environment and Climate Change
Each employee-owner may personally designate a $1000 donation each year. Donations for the remaining funds in the available annual funding pool are determined by a company committee each spring/summer.
Donations were made to the following organizations in January 2023.
- 350Vermont
- Brigit F Feeney Foundation for Hope and Healing
- BROC Community Action
- Central Vermont Refugee Action Network
- Gifford Hospital (Last Mile Ride)
- Northwoods Stewardship Center
- South Royalton Food Shelf
- Upper Valley Haven
- Vermont Professionals of Color Network
- Washington VT Fire Department
If your organization is interested in receiving a donation from the Catamount Solar 5% for Community Grants Program, please send us an introductory email.